Understanding Mattress Foam Types and Qualities, Part 1

mattress foam types qualities

Understanding Mattress Foam Types and Qualities, Part 1

There are several materials that play a big role in the mattress world, and at or near the top of any such list is foam. Numerous modern mattresses involve foam in one of a few types to increase comfort, support and other qualities of the material, and if you’re a buyer on the market for a new mattress, understanding how foam works and its different varieties is beneficial.

At 2 Brothers Mattress, we’re proud to offer a wide range of foam mattress options, from memory foam to several others depending on your needs. Let’s help our clients get a wide range of knowledge on foam and mattresses in this two-part blog series, where we’ll discuss the basics of foam and how it’s developed over the years plus its layers, uses and whether it’s the right mattress material for you.

Foam Basics

So what exactly do we mean when we refer to “foam” in a mattress setting? Let’s get just a bit technical here: Mattress foam, which can be either a liquid or a solid, is created through the trapping of small air bubbles within a given object – in this case, the mattress. Most mattress foam is solid, and traps these tiny air pockets in ways that create comfort. The effect is similar to a sponge in some ways, in that it creates a cushioning sensation – though on an even greater level.

History of Foam

Foam is definitely among the newer mattress materials out there today, having been introduced to the mattress world in the early 1990s. Its earliest iterations were mostly in the mattress topper or outer layer areas – it was considered to be a comfort addition that complemented another primary material underneath it.

Over the years since, however, foam has moved into greater prominence here. Modern foam has pressure-relief properties, for instance, plus support qualities that make it ideal as a primary mattress material. In fact, this relatively short history compared to other mattress materials means you should not be surprised to see continued innovation in the mattress foam world over upcoming years and decades.

Layers and Purposes

Today, there are three broad categories mattress foam is used in, based on the layer it’s found in:

  • Comfort layer: This is the original use of foam, as we noted above. It’s located at the top of the mattress and is meant to conform to your body, allowing not only comfort but also breathability and cooling.
  • Core support layer: This is a thick layer of complex foam, serving as a foundation for the entire bed and mattress.
  • Edge support layer: Another compacted layer of foam will often be present around the outside of the bed, keeping its walls in place and assisting with fall prevention.

For more on foam within a mattress setting, or to learn about any of our memory foam, innerspring or other mattress options, speak to the staff at 2 Brothers Mattress today.

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