Shopping for a Mattress as a Couple

Shopping for a Mattress as a Couple

Mattress shopping is a big undertaking, a process that will play a big role in your sleep – something you do for nearly a third of your life – for many years moving forward. It becomes even more complex and important for couples, who have to make these kinds of decisions while factoring in the other person’s comfort and sleep preferences.

Modern sleep technology has made this an easier and easier process, and we’re here to help even further at 2 Brothers Mattress. Compromise is vital for couples who sleep on the same bed when it comes to looking for mattresses – let’s look at some reasons why this is true, plus a few special options that are available for couples.

Why Compromise is Vital

As we noted, you’ll be spending nearly a third of your life on the mattress you buy for at least the next decade. That’s nearly 30,000 hours if you do the math – both you and your partner deserve the best quality sleep during these huge chunks of time.

You have to consider not only the present here but the future. Maybe just one of you has back pain or movement issues right now, but a lot can happen in 10 years. Back pain becomes more likely if you’re sleeping on a mattress just because your partner finds it comfortable while you don’t. These kinds of developments can lead to resentment among couples as sleep quality changes, and this is why it’s so important to compromise and find options that are best for both of you.

Couple Mattress Options

Here are a few good options for couples looking to maximize sleep for both parties:

  • Memory foam: Memory foam is a great option for people who need different levels of support from the same mattress. Memory foam responds to unique body curves and gives pressure relief where needed, but can remain wholly unique for the other partner if they have different needs.
  • Twin or king: If you’re looking for a king mattress as a couple, consider two twin extra-long beds placed next to each other instead. This will provide you the exact same dimensions as a king size bed but will offer you the ability to use two totally separate mattresses based on personal preference.
  • Adjustable bases: We have numerous adjustable bed options available, and these are commonly used along with the double-twin option outlined above.

For more on buying a mattress as a couple, or to find out about any of our mattress services, speak to the pros at 2 Brothers Mattress today.

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